A specialized branch of biology that deals with the study of organism. Invisible to the naked eye (use microscopic or submicroscopic.
Micro- small, bios- life, logos- study (Greek word)
Antony van leeu wenhoek was the first person to describe or observed and reported bacteria.
Study of living organisms of microscopic size.
Microorganisms include large and diverse group of microscopic organisms that exists a single cell or cell cluster.
For example- bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, archaea, and helminths and viruses, which are microscopic but not cellular.
Microbe diamtere less than 0.1mm
Study under branch of microbiology
- Bacteriology – study of bacteria
- Mycology – study of fungi
- Protozoology – study of protozoan’s
- Virology – study of viruses
- Parasitology – study of parasite
Microbiologist studies activites of microorganisms
- Microbial morphology -.study of shape, size and arrangement of microbial cell.
- Microbial cytology – detailed study of cell structure of microbes.
- Microbial physiology – study of how microbial cell structures, growth, and metabolism function in living organism.
- Microbial ecology – microbes relationship with one another and with their environment.
Microbiologist also focus on –
- Medical microbiology
- Food and diary microbiology
- Public health microbiology
- Agriculture and industrial microbiology