microbiology terminology

  1. Abscess

A localized collection of pus.

  1. Active immunity

Depend upon stimulation of person’s immunological mechanism.

  1. Aerobic

An organisms which requires O2 to live and reproduction.

  1. Agglutinate

To joint together to form clump.

  1. Allergic

An abnormal sensitive reaction.

  1. Anaerobic

A few organisms not requiring O2 to live or reproduce.

  1. Anhydrous

Containing no water

  1. Antibodies

A globin produced in the body in response to antigen or foreign bodies.

  1. Antigen

Any substance which can cause the production of antibodies. Antigen are molecules capable of stimulating an immune response.

  1. Antibiotics

A substance used to kill microorganisms. It is the product of micro-organisms.

  1. Antitoxins

An antibody against particular toxins.

  1. Asepsis

Without infection

  1. Auto infection- infection of own/ one self.
  2. Automatic- doing something by itself.
  3. Bacilli- rod like bacteria and stick like
  4. Bacteria- single all organism’s containing both RNA and DNA which reproduce by binary fission.
  5. Bacteriology- study bacteria
  6. Bacteriocidal- a chemical used to kill bacteria.
  7. Biopsy- removal of small piece of tissue during order to examination.
  8. Blister- A small swelling in skin filled with serum, a coating outside cells walls of some bacteria and fungi.
  9. Capsule- an envelope that surrounded certain bacteria.
  10. Chemotherapy- the treatment of disease by the administration of drugs which destroy the agent of disease but not injured the patient.
  11. Communicable – capable of being transmitted from one person to another.
  12. Culture- a growth of microorganisms on nutrient media artificial on living cells to grow microorganisms on such a medium or the growth and multiplication of microorganisms.
  13. Droplet infection

The transmission of infection via minute particles of sputum that have been dominated into the air by sneezing, laughing etc.

  1. Disinfectant- an agent which kills or destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Disinfection- an agent which kills and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Deodorant- a substance that destroys unpleasant environment and Odor.
  4. Epidemic- a disease that attack a large number of person on the community at the same time.
  5. Endemic- a disease regularly found in particular area or place.
  6. Flagella – long hair like structure, which cause organisms to move flagella may be attached to one or both ends of organisms or completely around is or whip-like organ of motion.( flagellum).
  7. Fumigation – exposure to fumes of gas or vapour that destroy bacteria. For example; formaldehyde.
  8. Helminthiasis- a worm infection
  9. Immune- resistance of infection
  10. Immunity- a power of body which against infection.
  11. Infection- invasion of body by pathogenic microorganisms or the entry and multiplication of pathogenic organism with in the body.
  12. Microscope – an instrument used to observe microbes.
  13. Pasteurization – the process of checking fermentation in milk, other fluid by heating them to a temperature between 145-150 F for 30 minutes and then repidly cooling and this kills pathogenic bacteria.
  14. Pathogenic – capable of causing disease.
  15. Septicemia- the presence and multiplication of bacteria in blood circulation resulting several diseases.
  16. Pathogenesis – biological mechanism, progress of disease.
  17. Pathogen – a bacterium, virus or other microorganisms that cause disease.
  18. Terminal disinfection -a complete disinfection of unit after particle has left.
  19. Toxin- a poisonous agents of plants or animals.
  20. Concurrent infection – cleaning is the disinfection and sterilization of patient supplies and equipment during hospitalization.
  21. Terminal cleaning – disinfection and sterilization of patient supplies and equipment after the patient is discharged from unit or hospital.
  22. Vaccination – to introduce into body to produce resistance against disease.
  23. Zygote – this all is produced by fertilization of female by a male cell.
  24. Hereditary- transmitted from one generation to the another.
  25. Hetero- different
  26. Intra- inside

52- in vitro- in laboratory

  1. Mutation – an alteration in genetic material.
  2. Phagocyte- a cell which ingest microorganisms.
  3. Viremia- the presence of viruses in the Blood or body stream.
  4. Organism- An individual animal, plant or single-celled life form.
  5. Asepsis- the absence of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.
  6. Nosocomial infections – infection acquired from hospital.
  7. Sepsis- a life -threatening complication of an infection.
  8. Virulence- is pathogenesis or microbes ability to infect or damage a host.