Types of gangrene

 Types of Gangrane 

1. Dry gangrene

Dry gangrane occurs in those area where the blood flow to body becomesblocked.

Dry gangrane occurs most commonly occur in those people who have diabetes or blood vessel disease, such as atherosclerosis.

2. Wet gangrane

Wet gangrane is caused due to  injury and bacterial infection.

Gas gangrane is type of wet gangrane.

Gas gangrane 

Gas gangrane infection develops deep inside the body and the bacteria releasing the gas that that area has no blood supply.

Bacteria logged in an injury or surgical wound that area has no blood supply. The bacterial infection emits toxin that release gas and cause tissue death.

3. internal gangrene

Internal gangrane occurs where the blood flow to an internal organ, mostly in intestines, gallbladder, appendix becomes blocked. 

Internal gangrane occurs when blood flow to an internal organ is blocked. 

For example, 

If the intestines bulge through a weakened area of muscle in the stomach area and become twisted and cut off the blood supply that result in internal gangrane.

4. Fournier’s gangrene

 Fournier’s gangrene involves the infection in genital organs. 

5. Meleney’s synergistic gangrene

Meleney’s gangrene is caused by synergistic infection of Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus organisms.