Anatomical Position and Directional Terms

Anatomical Terminology- Proximal, Distal, Dorsal, Ventral

What is an Anatomical position?

The body is standing erect (upright position) facing forward (directly facing the observer), legs are parallel with feet flat on the floor, upper arms placed at the body’s sides with palms, and facing forward.

Check out here anatomical planes and sections of the body.

Anatomical position is the positioning of the body, standing upright position and facing forward with each arm hanging on either side of the body, and palms facing forward, and head and eyes directed straight ahead, legs are parallel, with feet flat on the floor.

Anatomical Position

Know how many body cavities are present in the human body.

Directional Terms of the Body

Directional terms of the body are used to describe the location of the body part.

1. Superior or cranial

Towards the head or upper part of the structure. For example; Cephalic or cranial

2. Inferior or caudal

Towards the feet, away from the head.

3. Ventral or Anterior 

Towards the front of the body. For example, the kneecap.

4. Dorsal or Posterior 

Towards the back of the body. For example, the shoulder blades.

5. Medial or mesial

Towards the midline of the body.

6. Lateral

To the side of or away from the midline of the body. For example, arms are lateral to the chest

7. Proximal

Toward or nearer to the trunk of the body or toward the point of origin of a part.

8. Distal

Away from the trunk or away from the point of origin of a part.

9. Superficial

On the surface of the body.

10. Deep

Towards the interior (inside) of the body.

11. Parietal

Forming the outer wall of the body cavity.

12. Visceral

Inner covering of the body that covers internal organs.

13. Intermediate

Between the two structures.

14. Peripheral

Away from the central axis of the body, away from the center.

15. Ipsilateral

On the same side of the body. For example spleen and descending colon. 

16. Contralateral

On the opposite side of the body or on the side opposite to another structure.

For example, a stroke involving the right side of the brain may cause paralysis of the left leg.

17. Prone

To lie on the anterior (front) surface down.

18. Supine

To lie on the anterior (front) surface facing up.

19. External


20. Internal


21. Interior

The inside part of something.

22. Exterior

On the outside

23. Palmar     

Anterior hand or palm of a hand (palmar).

24. Plantar     

The inferior surface of the foot (sole).

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