Four Quadrants and Nine Abdominal Regions
The abdominopelvic cavity can be subdivided into nine regions and four quadrants.
The purpose of the division of the abdomen in nine regions and four quadrants is to describe regional anatomy in the abdomen, location of organ, site of abdominopelvic pain, tumor, or other abnormality which organ and tissues and site are involved in a disease or diseased based pain.
Know how many body cavities are there?
Quadrants of Abdominal and Organs
The abdominal area houses many different organs it is divided into smaller areas. To identify draw two lines; a horizontal line and a vertical line are passed through the Umbilicus (navel).
Check out here abdominopelvic regions and quadrants to understand the division of the abdomen.
Organs in Four Abdominal Quadrants
1. Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ) associated Organs
RUQ associated organs are –
a. Small bowl
b. Liver, gallbladder
c. Pylorus
d. Duodenum
e. Head of pancreas
f. Right kidney and the right adrenal gland
g. Hepatic flexure of colon
h. A portion of ascending and transverse colon
2. Left Upper Quadrant Associated (LUQ) Organs
LUQ organs are –
a. Small bowl
b. Left lobe of Liver
c. Spleen
d. Stomach
e. Body of pancreas
f. Splenic flexure of colon
d. A portion of transverse and descending colon
e. A portion of the left kidney and left adrenal gland
3. Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ) Associated Organs
RLQ associated organs are-
a. Small bowl
b. Cecum and appendix
c. A portion of ascending colon
d. The lower pole of right kidney
e. Right ureter
f. Reproductive organs
4. Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ) Associated Organs
LLQ associated organs are –
a. Small bowl
b. Sigmoid colon
c. A portion of descending colon
d. The lower pole of left kidney
e. Left ureter
f. Reproductive organs
Note – All four quadrants of the abdomen contain portions of the small and large intestines.
Check out here anatomical body planes and sections.
Nine Abdominal Regions and Organs
The abdominopelvic cavity or abdominal region may be divided into nine regions or areas to describe the location of organs, easily by drawing four imaginary lines by two vertical lines and two horizontal lines.
Organs of Nine Abdominal Regions
1. Right Hypochondriac Region (Right Hypochondria Region) Organs
Right hypochondriac region organs are –
a. Right lobe of liver
b. Gallbladder
c. Hepatic flexure of colon
d. Part of duodenum (small intestine)
e. Ascending colon
d. Transverse colon
e. Right kidney
f. Right Suprarenal gland
2. Epigastric Region Organs
Epigastric region organs are-
a. Esophagus
b. Aorta
c. Pyloric end of stomach
d. A portion of Liver
e. Spleen
f. Pancreas
g. A portion of right and left kidneys
h. Right and left ureters
i. A portion of right and left suprarenal glands
j. A portion of small intestine
k. Transverse colon
3. Left Hypochondriac Region Associated Organs
The left hypochondriac region associated organs are-
a. Stomach
b. Top of the left lobe of the liver
c. Upper pole of Left kidney
d. Left suprarenal gland
e. Spleen
f. Tail of the pancreas
g. Splenic flexure of colon
h. Parts of the small intestine
i. Transverse colon
j. Descending colon
4. Right Lumbar Regions Organs
Right lumbar regions organs are-
a. Tip of the liver
b. The lower half the right kidney
c. Gallbladder
d. Parts of duodenum and jejunum (small intestine)
e. Ascending colon
5. Umbilical Region Organs
Umbilical region organs are-
a. Stomach
b. Pancreas
c. Omentum
d. Mesentery
e. Lower part of the duodenum (small intestine)
f. Jejunum and ileum (small intestine)
g. Transverse colon
h. Portion right and left kidneys
i. Right and left ureters
6. Left Lumbar Region Organs
Left lumbar region organs are-
a. Part of the lower half of the left kidney
b. Parts of Jejunum and ileum (small intestine)
c. Part of the descending colon
7. Right Iliac Region (Right inguinal Region) Organs
Right Iliac region organs are-
a. Right ureters
b. Lower end of the ileum (small intestine)
c. Appendix
d. Ascending colon
e. Cecum
f. Right ovary and right fallopian tube in females
8. Hypogastric Region (Pubic Region) Associated Organs
Hypogastric region associated organs are-
a. Bladder
b. Ileum (small intestine)
c. Descending colon
d. Sigmoid colon
e. The left ovary and the left fallopian tube in females
or vas deferens, seminal vesicle, and prostate can be found in males.
9. Left Iliac Region Organs
Left iliac region organs are-
a. Left ureters
b. Part of the small intestine
c. Descending colon
d. Sigmoid colon
e. Left ovary and the left fallopian tube in females
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